
JSM's Screenshot Machine Shortcode

View the Project on GitHub jsmoriss/screenshot-machine-shortcode

JSM Screenshot Machine Shortcode

Plugin NameJSM Screenshot Machine Shortcode
SummaryShortcode to include images from Screenshot Machine in your content.
Stable Version3.0.0
Requires PHP7.4.33 or newer
Requires WordPress5.9 or newer
Tested Up To WordPress6.7.2
Tags / Keywordsscreenshot, machine, shortcode


Shortcode to include images from Screenshot Machine in your content.

SSM Shortcode Required Attributes:

You can find the {customer API key} in your Screenshot Machine dashboard.

The {webpage url} is the web page URL you want to capture in the screenshot.

SSM Shortcode Optional Attributes:

SSM Shortcode Attribute Details:

The dimension="{width x height}" attribute examples:

The days="{cache expiration}" attribute value is a number of days that a screenshot should be used before a new one is created (default is 14).

The wait="{ms}" attribute value is a number of milliseconds to wait before capturing the screenshot (default is 200).

The click="{css selector}", hide="{css selectors}", and select="{css selector}" attribute values are CSS class and/or id selectors. For example:

The title="{title}" attribute value is a text string for the image alt and anchor title attributes.

The link="{yes|no}" attribute value will determine if the image is linked to the web page URL or not.

The target="{name}" attribute opens the link in that target (default is "_blank"). An empty string, "_self", "_top", "_parent", or an HTML frame are other possible values.

The refresh="{yes|no}" attribute value includes javascript to retry the image every second until it's available (for a maximum of 10 seconds).

SSM Shortcode Example:

[ssm key="abc123" url="" dimension="800x600"]